Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Birthday, Debra!

Today is our Division A Governor's birthday, Debra Watters, DTM!

President Distinguished Area, President Distinguished Division


During last Semi Annual Convention of Toastmasters International District 51 in Hotel Armada, Petaling Jaya last 1st & 2nd of November 2014, Debra Watters, DTM received this award;  President's Distinguished Area for her service as Area A2 Governor last term, 2013-2014. Congratulations! 

So, now she is the Division A Governor. Will she be on the stage during next Semi Annual Convention for President Distinguished Division for term 2014-2015?? Haaa.. let us work together...!

Division A!
Division A!
Division A!
 We are the Divas!!!

Oh ya.. I owe you ladies and gentlemen, the story about the Semi Annual Convention!! Hehehe.. be patient. I will be right back! ;)

Table Topic & Judging Workshop - 6th December 2014

Last 6th December of 2014, Division A organized Table Topic & Judging Workshop in Sunway College, Johor. The one day workshop's speaker was Dunstan Chan, DTM, 'imported' from Kuching :D

"Huh! Tired talking to all of you!" Hehehe.. 

      Lunch time!

Malacca Toastmasters Club, Sacred Heart Toastmasters Club, UTM Toastmasters Club, Premier Advanced Toastmasters Club, JB City Toastmasters Club, Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru and MIM Toastmasters Club... huuurrrm... when we are eating, we are one! We are TOASTMASTERS!

Congratulations, Organizing Chair!

 Token of appreciation, delivered by Division A Governor Debra Watters, DTM (right)
 to the speaker, Dunstan Chan!

It was a fruitful workshop! Fun and beneficial!!! Thank you and congratulations!!

Are You a Leader?

Yes, yes, yes. I appreciate the leaders I work with, whose inspire me to be a leader, better leader! They are the REAL leaders. For those who think they are the leaders, but they are actually bossing around and make us feel like their followers or workers, don't worry, they are not at the top all the time... They will learn hehehe.. But, before making others learn, we learn first, we improve first, and... let us become better leaders!

Because here, in Toastmasters International,  is where leaders are made! Yeah!

Perjumpaan ke-100 Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru - Tahniah!


Tahniah kepada Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru atas perjumpaan yang ke-100 pada 15 Disember 2014 yang lepas! Meriah! Bersinar-sinar! Dan, kek yang Puan Presiden, Ida Abdullah, ACB, CL beli sedap! :D

Pengarah / Pengacara Majlis adalah Afzan, ACB ALB, Pengucap Terbaik ialah KL Chan, ACB,
Penilai Terbaik pula Liza Alip, ACB dan Pengucap Spontan Terbaik, TM Fadzly. 


Pengucap Spontan Terbaik

TM Syafiq (atas) memainkan peranan sebagai Penilai Bahasa buat kali pertama dengan perkataan SINAR. Manakala Mirna CC menilai ucapan dan QJ CC mengetuai sesi penilaian sebagai Penilai Am buat julung-julung kali dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Perjumpaan meriah dengan kehadiran seramai 29 orang.

Tetamu paling muda, Gia, berumur 9 tahun yang memperkenalkan diri beliau tanpa sebarang pengisi masa (time filler)! Tahniah!

Tetamu yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai "Nama saya panjang. Dipendekkan, jadi Venka. Awak ingat van, awak ingat kereta, awak akan ingat saya, van car, Venka". Dua dari kanan.

Semua hadirin sedang asyik mendengar ucapan PROJEK PERTAMA Yasotha Arumugam, ACB, ALB bertajuk Anak Bapak.

Dan, dan, dan, KL Chan telah dinobatkan sebagai Advanced Communicator Bronze pada malam itu juga!!!

Itu dia, Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen yang membuatkan KL Chan ada kerjaya hari ini, dan merupakan tokoh yang diceritakan untuk ucapan lanjutan, Bercerita, Projek ke-5.

Tahniah kepada semua ahli Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru, rakan-rakan Toastmasters dan tetamu-tetamu semua. Saya beri 100% markah! :D

90th Anniversary of TI in JBCity Toastmasters Club

 OMG! OMG! OMG! See their cake! See!!! It was there!!

Because.... Celebration mode was activated!
It is Toastmasters International's 90th Anniversary........ Yee.....eeeah! One of the club in Division A, JB City Toasmasters celebrated the 90th anniversary of our GREAT organization last 24th November in Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Johor Bahru. Click the link below for the video prepared, recording the enjoyment of the celebration!


Toastmasters International History Crossword. Ah ha....!!!

Before taking group photo... 

Handphone's tutorial from Area A4 Governor for Vice President Education of JB City Toastmasters Club :D

"Me! Me!"

Meet-up! Okay, fine, MEETING!

Division A Council meeting on 5th December 2014. Thank you Immediate Past Division A Governor, Mr Go for the photos!!! I looked so happy while others were so stressful thinking about plan for another half of the term 2014/2015.. hehehe..

Detik Bersejarah Kelab Bahasa Melayu Antara Daerah 51 dan Daerah 80

A joint meeting between two Toastmasters Clubs in Bahasa Melayu was successfully enjoyed! Okay, okay. Was successfully organized :)
To be more precise, between two districts!!!

"Sejarah telah dilakar apabila dua Azizah dari dua daerah Toastmasters bertemu dalam Persidangan Toastmasters International di Kuala Lumpur yang lalu. Bermula dari satu idea oleh Azizah Abu Hassan dari Daerah 51 dan Azizah Sapari dari Daerah 80, Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru (KTBMJB) dan Jauhari Bilingual Toastmasters Club (JBTC) telah Berjaya menganjurkan satu Perjumpaan Bersama yang meriah dan gilang-gemilang pada 15 November 2014 di Hotel Grand BlueWave..."

Written by Nur Afzani Tual, ACB, ALB, Area A4 Governor 2014/2015. She is also the 'Naib Presiden Perhubungan Awam 2014/2015, Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru'.

Read more by clicking to this link, to our District 51 website. Detik Bersejarah Kelab Bahasa Melayu Antara Dua Daerah

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Coming Events during November & December. Let's Join!

And the nearest, see you in Petaling Jaya!

CONGRATULATIONS! Division A Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests 2014/2015

Congratulations to everybody, for making 
the Division A Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests a success last 11th October in Melaka.

Division A Humorous Speech Contest
Champion : Dewa Harendran Monokaram
2nd Place : Hetal Mukesh Kumar
3rd Place : Yasotha Arumugam

Division A Evaluation Contest
Champion - Ida Abdullah
2nd Place : Yasotha Arumugam
3rd Place : David Wong
 Division A Governor, Organizing Chair and Contest Chairs

 The champion and his supporters
 Humorous Speech Contest contestants

 Good lunch (chicken rice ball) and good souvenirs (vitamins!)

 During the interview session 

 All contestants during the interview session

 The test speaker, "Birds of Dinggiri"
 The photos' theme : WE ARE THE DIVAS OF DIVA!
 Winners of Humorous Speech Contest with Division A Governors, Organizing Chair and Contest Chairs

 Winners of Evaluation Contest with Division A Governors, Organizing Chair and Contest Chairs


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Area Contests are Over ; Results


 Area A2 Governor, CP Chan, demonstrating Gorilla during the game Charade.
This is the game during the Area A2 Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests last 27th of September, before the winners' announcement. Yes, now, all areas in Division A have their winners for Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests for 2014/2015!
Congratulations to the Organizing Chairs, role players, contestants and winners!

Here are the results for all areas...


Area A1 Evaluation Contest :
Champion : Ariff Imran
2nd Place : Joshua Ling
3 rd Place : Darshanan Asoken

Area A1 Humorous Speech Contest :
Champion : Hetal Mukesh Kumar
2nd Place : Dewa Harendran Monokaram

 The champion, Hetal, with Area A1 Governor, Genny Ong
The champion's smile with Kotra Toastmasters Club's president (left), Yap.
Highlight : Kotra TMC is a new club, only 2 months! Bravo!


 Area A2 Evaluation Contest
Champion : David Wong
1st Runner Up : Chan Khung Leong
2nd Runner Up : Nor Azleen Zainal

Area A2 Humorous Speech Contest
Champion : Nor Ain Husein
1st Runner Up : Nor Azleen Zainal
2nd Runner Up : Jay Kannan

 Happy faces of Organizing Chair, Sri Ram and his team, contestants, winners and supportive audiences!
 The Humorous Speech contestants
 The role players

 Evaluation Contest contestants

I posted Area A3 and Area A4 in previous post here (please click). Here I re-post the result ;


Area A3 Humorous Speech Contest :
Champion - Ryan Prasad
2nd Place - Rebecca Goh
3rd Place - Aaron Keith
Evaluation Contest :
Champion - Ida Abdullah
2nd Place - Anjana
3rd Place - Rebecca Goh

Area A4 Humorous Speech Contest :
Champion - Yasotha Arumugam
2nd Place - Yvonne Tan
3rd Place - Joseph Lim
Area A4 Evaluation Contest:
Champion - Yasotha Arumugam
2nd Place - Yvonne Tan
3rd Place - Joseph Sek Guan Lim

And you now what will happen next, right?

Champions and 1st runner ups from each area will be contesting in Division A Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests on coming 11th of October!

See you!
*your blog master, Ain cantik*