Thursday, July 29, 2010

TLI Dates - update 28 Jul 2010

Fellow Division Governors, Area Governors and Club President.

Greetings from TLI Team! Hope that this e-mail find you well and good.

Attached please find the upcoming of TLI sessions in District 51 and the percent attendance for the sessions that were conducted thus far. TLI sessions is the time when all of us can learn more about the role of each club officers, get to know each other and find out more about Toastmasters Itself. There are a few more TLI sessions left.

Lets make the most out of the TLI sessions by attending the them and be trained. With everyone doing their part in the Toastmasters meeting, we shall all move forward, learn and improve ourselves and work hand in hand to achieve greatness together.


Cheong Kuok Sum

TLI Publicity Chair 2010/2011

TTDI Toastmasters Club

Tel: +6012 689 3511

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Message from District 51 Governor : COMMUNICATION CONNECTS -- HAVE YOU CONNECTED YET ?

21st July 2010

Dear Division Governors, Area Governors, and Club Presidents,

As we approach the end of the first month in this new term, it is with a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude that I acknowledge your collective support and response to the call to ACHIEVE GREATNESS TOGETHER.

It has been a great three weeks in terms of activities -- starting with the TLI Team outdoing itself with each TLI session, the initial TTT session, and the gloriously successful DOT session.The feedback from everywhere is a genuine feel-good feeling. 

The World Cup too, helped to raise the adrenalin level all round... even among the non football enthusiasts!

And in that same tempo, many clubs have now launched into the Contest sprint -- the pitting of champions against champions in true Toastmasters spirit.

And, all of these will culminate in October... when the creme de la creme among us will stand strong and tall... in their sterling performances at the Legend Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

Yes, I am referring to our forthcoming 18th Semi Annual Convention -- on the 29th, 30th, and 31st of October.

As I have gathered, the Organizing Committee is going the extra extra mile to make it a superlative event -- in terms of value for your money, value for your time, and value for your effort in attending and participating.

Please refer to the attached flyer for the highlights of this great event... and visit their blogspot -- to get more and better information, including the Registration and Accommodation Forms.

But please do it quickly... because their Early Bird Offer at RM 390/- for the Convention Package ends on 15th August 2010. They will most likely raise the price to RM 450/- after that date, and as soon as the superstar Speakers and Guests of Honor whom they have invited give their confirmations in writing.

This will surely be an event which neither you want to miss, nor wish any of your TM members and friends to miss.

With loving regards and gratitude,

Your simple and humble DG,


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Team Commandments - excerpts from Toastmasters Magazine Feb 2007

Team Commandments

Team Commandments

10 ways to help your club succeed.

By Don Seaton, ACG

Several years ago, a long-time friend sent me an e-mail titled “The Team Commandments.” To my surprise, it was a refreshing look at team construction and outlook. Since early 2001, I have had these 10 items in the forefront of my mind, whether building teams at work or in Toastmasters.

For the purpose of this article, I’d like to share my interpretation of the Team Commandments as it relates to Toastmasters:

1. Help each other to be right, not wrong. How often have you seen a new member make a mistake during a meeting, followed by someone immediately saying “point of order” and correcting the person on the spot? This is an obviously embarrassing situation, especially for a first-time Toastmaster of the Day. Instead we need to take new Toastmasters aside after a meeting and give them the boost they need to keep growing.

I normally pull new members aside and say, “I realize you got off track a little and Toastmaster Jones corrected you, but here is how you can try it next time.” Education and motivation will not only help build the next generation of advanced Toastmasters, it will help them be ‘right’ in future situations.

2. Look for ways to make new ideas work, not for reasons they won’t. New members bring fresh new ideas that merit consideration. Too often we dismiss ideas and say, “We have been doing it this way for years and it has always carved us Distinguished Club status.” But wait a second; you just told this new member that his input does not count. It is unlikely this member will suggest another idea for club betterment. Obviously, not every idea is the nugget of gold you are looking for. But you can give it a try and if it doesn’t pan out, at least you showed that everyone’s voice is important and heard.

3. Speak positively about each other and about your organization at every opportunity. I love to brag about my home club and its members. After each meeting we send out a positive meeting recap and a preview of our next meeting. We take opportunities during the meeting to praise accomplishments and continue to stress where we are on our road toward Distinguished Club status. Some may see this as crazy, but it is far from is contagious. If your members see the leaders of the club bragging and talking up individual and team accomplishments, it is human nature to join in. Make each goal toward DCP a celebration; make each advancement a reason to brag on the individual. Sooner, not later, you will have created a culture of Toastmasters recruiters who truly want to share the excitement with others.

4. Help each other win, and take pride in each others’ victories. Everyone in the club needs to help each other excel. Everyone has joined for personal growth, so be proud of each others’ successes. Remember, if you have already achieved you personal goal for the year, maybe you need to take a step back and help some of the other members to move forward toward their goals. In the end, no one wins, unless everyone wins.

5. Compliment often. Praise goes an incredibly long way toward building confidence in communication and leadership. From my early days in Toastmasters I learned that every compliment contributes to a more cohesive and confident team. When I have the honor of serving as Toastmaster of the Day, I try to compliment every single person who comes to the lectern through a positive and motivational introduction.

"Make each goal towards DCP a celebration; make each
advancement a reason to brag on the individual."

6. Recognize that the customer is not an interruption to your work, but reason for it. For the purpose of this discussion I consider the customer to be every guest who walks into a club meeting and every new member in need of a mentor. Don’t look at these new members as an interruption; look at them as your reason for being in Toastmasters – to help people grow. Find ways to bring the new members both into the club and into the speaking schedule so they can immediately start realizing the benefits.

When I serve as a mentor, I try to sit down and plan out the new member’s entire list of manual assignments during our first discussion. We merely review each project and jot down ideas that come to mind for each speech. Believe it or not, this builds the member’s confidence in his or her ability to complete all the speeches.

7. Realize that “being right” is irrelevant to good service; the customer’s perception is what counts. How do you welcome new members and guests? Guests are golden and should be treated as such. Make every meeting a sales pitch and full of excitement. If your meetings are boring, why would a guest want to return? The guest must leave with a perception that Toastmasters is the place he/she needs to be and realize there is a substantial benefit to joining the club.

8. Maintain a positive mental outlook. Do everything with enthusiasm and good humor; your attitude is contagious. I look at a Toastmasters meeting as a chance to celebrate the joys of improving my communication and leadership ability. Every chance I get to speak, no matter what the role, I am enthusiastic. Even when I serve as the timer, I introduce the position with zeal and explain the duties with a bit of humor. Keep your attitude positive and watch you membership grow.

9. Sacrifice for the good of the team. Sometimes you need to slow down your pace toward a goal so another member can succeed and move on. Give as many speeches as you can, but always put others to the forefront.

Additionally, make sure everyone in your club knows what the goals are for Distinguished Club status. Come up with plans for reaching your goals and publicize them. Let your members know that you may need to schedule others to speak more often for a short period of time to meet goals, but you will get everyone back in the fold quickly. Bottom line: build a culture where everyone accepts the team’s goals and are willing to play their part to make them a reality.

10. Have fun. One of my club members was gone on a two-week vacation. Upon returning he said, “I missed these meetings and I’m happy to finally be back.” Toastmasters is a springboard to better communication and leadership, but it must be built on a foundation of fun. Too many people are afraid of public speaking, but if they perceive it as fun and non-threatening, they are more likely to jump right in and get involved. Also, if the atmosphere is fun and members can joke back and forth, those public speaking errors will give members a chance to laugh with, not at the other members.

These 10 items have served me well for many years, both at work and in my local clubs. I hope you can use some of the ideas in your club. Maybe by simply looking at things a little differently, you can draw in new members or retain some that are on the fence of staying or going. Remember, everyone joined the club to become better speakers and leaders. It is your job as the leader of the club to help them realize this goal, so make it positive experience for the individual and the team.

Don Seaton, ACG is an area governor and member of At Eze Toastmasters on Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi. A member since November 2001, he is Chief Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Email ‏from LGET

Dear Division Governors, Area Governors

A speech contest is a good showcase for Toastmasters.Whether it is at Club, Area or Division level, let us make the best of it.

A speech contest does not only help promote Toastmasters but also provide a
platform for our members to exercise their leadership and organisational skills.

Please guide the club presidents and organising chairs as they start to organise their contests.

You may find useful information about speech contests from these links:
Encourage members to be involved in the organising committee as this would help them in their CL achievements.

Have fun as you organise the speech contests.

Let us learn by doing .....

You are not alone..... Tap on the experience of your seniors ...

"Achieving Greatness Together"

Sue Chan, DTM
LGET 2010/2011
District 51

Friday, July 9, 2010

TLI 1 Update - 9 Jul 2010

Due certain unforeseen circumstances the joint TLI for Division P&G has made moved from 17 Jul 2010 to 31 Jul 2010. Please take note.

The changes as highlighted in red. Please inform the respective club officers of the change early so that they can make prior arrangements to attend other TLI’s.

Division B TLI held at Klang Valley and TTT held at Penang will kick off tomorrow.

Attached is the latest updated schedule.

As a publicized by out TLI Publicity Chair, Kuok Sum, there will be a mystery prize for Clubs that send 7 out of 7 club officers to be trained. TLI Officers would like to emphasize their aim is to have 90% club officers trained and to give the Club Officers a great learning experience! The better the clubs officers are trained, the better results you will get. The purpose of TLI is to motivate your club officers and to equip them with the right skills/tools to begin the term. So encourage as many of them to attend.

Please register with the Asst Div A Gov Edu & Training Tan Eng Suan (aka OC for Division A TLI) in advance if you are interested to attend any of the listed sessions.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Division A TLI 1 was successfully conducted on 4 July 2010. TLI Chair, Dennis Wee encourages all Club Officers to attend TLI of other Divisions throughout District 51 to maximise the learning experience, in particular Officers from Clubs that missed Division A TLI or Clubs that did not meet a minimum of 4 Officers' attendance to qualify for DCP points.

The following is the tentative schedule for District 51 TLI 1. Please register with the OC for Division A TLI, Tan Eng Suan in advance if you are interested to attend any of the listed sessions.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Division A Council 2011/2012

Division A Governor :Tan Eng Suan, CC, ALB

Mobile: 019-7563413

Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru (1678271)
JB City Toastmasters Club (7669)
Division A Governor

Area A1 Governor : Capt. Khalid Hashimi, ACS, CL
Mobile: 012-6815371

Malacca Toastmasters Club (7315)
ALAM Toastmasters Club (1222700)

Area A2 Governor: Go Hwi Kueh, ACB, CL
Mobile : 019-7509393
Email :

CIMA Johor Branch Toastmasters Club (798899)

Area A3 Governor : Wenceslas Savariappan, ACB, CL
obile : 012-7267539
Email :

Kluang Toastmasters Club (7389)

Area A4 Governor : Yvonne Tan, ACB, CL
Mobile : 012-7377476
Email :

Sacred Heart Toastmasters Club (9449)
Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru (1678271)

Asst Div Gov Education & Training : Cindy Wong, ACS, CL
obile : 012-7233710
Email :

Johor Bahru Toastmasters Club (8406)
JB North Toastmasters Club (120694)

Asst Div Gov Marketing : Suhana Sidik, CC, ALB
obile : 013-3331675
Email :

PESONA Toastmasters Club (1201006)
Kelab Pidato Kuala Lumpur (1347384)

Division Secretary / Treasurer : Lau Ay Choo, CC
Mobile : 019-7543641
Email :

CIMA Johor Branch Toastmasters Club (798899)

Division Public Relations : Siew Weng Yue, TM
Mobile: 012-9065969

Malacca Toastmasters Club (7315)

Theme : Pursue Your Passion