The main highlight of the convention, of course, the World Championship of Public Speaking 2014!
How big and prestige the stage was? See this.
"Leaders Take The Stairs" by Rory Vaden, two-time WCPS Finalist, motivational speaker and humorist, during Toastmasters International Convention 2014 — at Plenary Hall KL Convention Centre.
And here is the list of finalists at the World Championship of Public Speaking 2014 ; 1.
James L. Feffley, 2. Kelly Sargeant, 3. Kwong Yue Yang, 4. Marc
Williams, 5. Alain Washnevsky, 6. Eric Donaldson, 7. Dananjaya
Hettiarachchi, 8. Sharookh Daroowala, 9. Chris W.H. Wo
And the champion is......
Mr. Dananjaya J Hettiararachchi (left), the 2014 World
Champion Public Speaker. "Thank you Mr. Danajaya for sharing "Samba" & "I See Something In You" & reflections of "Never Give
Up". I'm inspired!", Genny Ong, Area A1 Governor (left)
The selection of this Southeast Asian city reflects the global nature of Toastmasters International as well as its evolving membership. More than 30 percent of all Toastmasters now live outside North America, and the greatest membership growth is in Southeast Asia.
“After considering many other sites, it became clear that Kuala Lumpur offered the most benefits to our members and the organization as a whole,” says Toastmasters International Executive Director Daniel Rex. “As a global organization, having as many people as possible attend the convention is always our goal.”
Toastmasters from Division A were having fun!!!
Would like to share your personal experience during the convention? Email me, your blog master, at a short write up and photos. Show to us how proud you are after attending the Toastmasters International Convention 2014.
Would like to share your personal experience during the convention? Email me, your blog master, at a short write up and photos. Show to us how proud you are after attending the Toastmasters International Convention 2014.