Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Toastmasters International Convention 2014 was held in MALAYSIA!!!!!

For the first time in Toastmasters’ history, the organization held its International Convention outside North America. The 2014 convention took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 20th to 23rd of August 2014.

The main highlight of the convention, of course, the World Championship of Public Speaking 2014!

How big and prestige the stage was? See this.
"Leaders Take The Stairs" by Rory Vaden, two-time WCPS Finalist, motivational speaker and humorist, during Toastmasters International Convention 2014 — at Plenary Hall KL Convention Centre.

And here is the list of finalists at the World Championship of Public Speaking 2014 ; 1. James L. Feffley, 2. Kelly Sargeant, 3. Kwong Yue Yang, 4. Marc Williams, 5. Alain Washnevsky, 6. Eric Donaldson, 7. Dananjaya Hettiarachchi, 8. Sharookh Daroowala, 9. Chris W.H. Wo

And the champion is......

Mr. Dananjaya J Hettiararachchi (left), the 2014 World Champion Public Speaker. "Thank you Mr. Danajaya for sharing "Samba" & "I See Something In You" & reflections of "Never Give Up". I'm inspired!", Genny Ong, Area A1 Governor (left)

The selection of this Southeast Asian city reflects the global nature of Toastmasters International as well as its evolving membership. More than 30 percent of all Toastmasters now live outside North America, and the greatest membership growth is in Southeast Asia.

“After considering many other sites, it became clear that Kuala Lumpur offered the most benefits to our members and the organization as a whole,” says Toastmasters International Executive Director Daniel Rex. “As a global organization, having as many people as possible attend the convention is always our goal.”

Toastmasters from Division A were having fun!!!

Would like to share your personal experience during the convention? Email me, your blog master, at a short write up and photos. Show to us how proud you are after attending the Toastmasters International Convention 2014.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Here and There in Division A (July & August) - Part 2

Fifth story....
Joint Installation Night 2014 for MIM Toastmasters Club of Johor Bahru, Johor Jaya Toastmasters Club & Sacred Heart Toastmasters Club on 20th of July 2014 in 8Days Hotel, Permas Jaya, Johor.

Area A4 Governor, Nur Afzani, ACB, ALB with club officers and members of Toastmasters clubs in Area A4 (above). The girls (below)

Sixth story... One of the regular meeting of Pasir Gudang Toastmasters Club. Every 2nd & 4th Mondays, 10am - 12 noon.

Seventh story... I need to share this, one of my favorite selfie I found in Division A's Facebook group; after the Majestic Malacca Toastmasters Club. Meeting, 22nd of July 2014. The meeting's theme was sport.

During the meeting

And the 8th story.. ehem.. ehem.. I need to tune to another channel.. to Bahasa Melayu...
Perjumpaan Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu Johor Bahru, bertemakan "Selamat Hari Raya!"


Dari kiri, Esther, Tan Eng Suan, Mohd Awee, Cindy Wong, KL Chan, sedang memberi sepenuh perhatian kepada pengucap.

Keseronokan berdrama dalam gambar!
Pengacara: Bachan Singh, ACB
Pengucap: Nur Afzani, ACB, ALB
Penilai Ucapan: Yasotha, ACS, ALB (Pertama kali menilai ucapan dalam Bahasa Melayu! Tahniah!)
Pengacara Sesi Spontan: Tan Eng Suan, CC, ALB
Penilai Am: Nor Ain, CC, CL
Mahu kongsikan cerita kelab Toastmasters anda? Opsss.. Ehurrm... I am tuning back to English. Would like to share your story about your Toastmasters Club? Email me at and share!

Here and There in Division A (July & August) - Part 1

First story, Club Officer Training for Division A was held on 19th July 2014 at Sunway College.
Division A Governor, DTM Debra Watters with the Organizing Chair, Chong Mon Peng.


 Sessions in the main hall. Talk, discussions & presentations.

 The final group receiving early bird special gifts. 
From left, Shafiq (SAA of Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu JB), Ayu & Dr Zaleha, CC (Vice President Membership & President of UTM Toastmasters Club), Ida, ACB (President of Kelab Toastmasters Bahasa Melayu JB) and Nor Ain, CC, CL (Vice President Education of UTM Toastmasters Club)
Breakout session, according to club officers. I choose this photo because he is handsome.. lalalala...
Affi, from UTM Aces Toastmasters Club (center)

Second story, full house!!! Supplementary COT Area A1 in progress. Clubs involved The Majestic Malacca TMC, Holiday Inn TMC, ALAM TMC, AUSP TMC & Famosa TMC
Sessions conducted by Andrea Finta (above) and DTM Azizah Abu Hassan (below)


Third story, Evaluation Workshop, 2nd of August, Cheshire Home, JB. Speaker, Cindy Wong, ACS, ALB.

Happy faces after the workshop

And.. the forth story... It is a double happiness for District 51 especially for double A1 Area Governor Genny Ong, CC, CL and Division A Governor DTM Debra Watter when they chartered 2 brand new clubs in District 51 on 1St August 2014.

Let us all welcome Kotra and Holiday Inn Toastmasters club .
Both there in area A1 and located in Melaka.
Congratulations and thank you to the council of Division A, D51!

Group photo after the first meeting with members from the sponsoring club, Malacca Toastmasters Club with special appearance of LGM Thiagarajah Nesan.

Together We Rise !!! COT; 19th July 2014 - Sunway College, Johor


These folks are on stage orchestrating a new form of Qigong exercise to strengthen their internal body mechanism, and they seemed to enjoy themselves as well as enticing all to do likewise. It worked and all present had a great time as their individual spirit was indeed uplifted spirally. 
To say "Together we RISE"!
~ DTM Kim See Teo ~

Club Officer Training for Division A was held on 19th July 2014 at Sunway College. And above is one of the photo showing the Division A Governor, District 51 Governor and Area Governors demonstrating 'Together We Rise". Do you know, how was the audience?
